We yearn to see every man, woman, and child know they are HELD in God’s adoring love, grow to be WHOLE as who He created them to be, and go alongside their brothers and sisters to bring Brandon, the Bay, and Beyond HOME to the Father’s heart.
We see people from every life stage and walk of life encountering the love of God so deeply it transforms brokenness, heartbreak, and fear into wholeness, joy, and purpose.
We see people walking in the wonder of a close and vibrant relationship with God — hearing His voice clearly, trusting His heart, celebrating His Word, and relying on His power for all they need — an intimacy that changes everything.
We see people who see themselves as treasured and transformed — beloved sons and daughters who are given a new heart and new nature in Christ and who hold their heads high and live from their new nature, not for it.
We see people who hunger to be near God and expect Him to show up every time we come together. We see an atmosphere of eagerness that trusts God to be who He says He is, and the messy vulnerability to be honest in the areas we presently struggle to trust Him. Our meetings lead us to trust and get more excited about God collectively than we can ever be alone.
We see a diverse family who walks in security and love, in grace and truth, in warm affection and sacrificial commitment to one another which exemplifies loving your neighbor as you’d wish to be loved. We speak truthfully. We choose honor. We forgive quickly. We serve fully. We grow together and we go together.
We see an environment that discovers, celebrates, and strengthens the diverse gifts and passions God has placed in each of His children. This is an environment where you don’t only find who God is — you find who He made YOU to be.
We see a family that slows down to see every person God made as full of glory and dignity, and who listen and yield to play their part to restore what God designed and destined for each of His children.
We see strong families — husbands and wives who love each other and experience blissful marriages, parents who know and lead their children, and kids who grow up to be passionate, strong, and aligned with who God made them to be in the world.
We see our radical love changing our community and the world.
We see homeless families experiencing kindness, hope, and love through our family.
We see pregnant moms at risk of abortion choosing life and finding the support and love they need. We see women who have experienced the heartbreak of abortion being embraced and finding healing.
We see orphans in loving homes through foster care and adoption — and a passionate family of believers who work to see families reunified and strong.
We see families in Haiti and Dominican Republic discovering the Gospel, receiving food and education for their children, and being strengthened in their faith and practical needs.
We see the transforming truth of Jesus Christ changing Nigeria through church planting, discipleship, education and crusades.
We see ordinary members identifying themselves as lifestyle missionaries — treating every day as an opportunity to go in obedience to show the love of God to all He places in their path.
We see a church that matters.