Brenda Balogh
Youth Pastor
I would love to hear from you! Send me an email or message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
About Overflow Student Ministry
Did you know, Student Ministry begins in your home???
We believe that as the parent of your children, you are the loudest voice and have greatest influence with your own kids. As the Church, we want to partner WITH you as you walk WITH your kids. As you come to Overflow Church and receive from a Sunday Morning on campus and walk in the activations shared there, our hope is that you bring your teens along.
We see them as a part of the larger Church! They are valuable to the body and their voices are necessary! They will begin to realize and walk in that truth the more we give them opportunity to be one with the Church. During the Sunday morning worship service we will offer a place to write down Big Ideas, “Ah ha!” Moments or questions from their worship experience. (What a wonderful tool to have at your disposal as a parent! Talk about conversation starters!!) Then, as our Student Ministry gathers, we have a wonderful jumping off point to begin chewing on and walking out what God himself is saying to your teens.
As a Student ministry, we will meet once a month for a “Gathering” where we will worship together, have fun playing games, share a meal, and celebrate all that God is doing in our student Missional Communities. This is a perfect place for your kids to bring their not yet believing friends!
That brings us to the “Scattering.” As we see it necessary for students to gather with peers in the church setting, we also know it is necessary and healthy to scatter, taking a message with them to the world. In our Missional Communities, we will focus on discipleship and evangelism, the kind of “as you go” ministry that Jesus had with his disciples. The hope here is to cultivate “a close-knit community, fully committed to equipping one another to live as missionaries
who share God’s love to everyone... everywhere.” That may sound familiar because it’s THE SAME vision for our church as a whole! Remember, we see your students a vital as part of the body! In the “scattered groups” (Missional Communities) our students will be equipped in the 5-fold and receiving and releasing ministry to one another in the church and outside, in the community!
Once a quarter, we purpose to gather on mission as a Student Ministry. The joy we find in Christ is hope for a world that does not know him. We see our students gathering in public places, inviting not yet believers into relationships with our community, being hope, in a dark world.
We can’t do this kind of ministry with out you. We don’t even want to. We very much look forward to serving you as a family as your journey in faith with your children. If you have further questions, ideas or excitement that you’d like to share, please email Pastor Brenda at Brendajbalogh@gmail.com