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Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it. Mark 16:20


We choose to use our privilege to see others in their need. Knowing that when we do, the compassion of Christ will overflow in and through us to meet those needs. We partner with our foreign and local ministries because together we long to see revival. We believe it will come as we receive and release God's love to everyone, everywhere. 


If you are interested in learning more about opportunities with our International Missions, please let us know HERE.



For eighteen years, we have witnessed the move of God in mighty ways through our partnership with Pastors Wilson and Praise Okotie of High Impact Christian Centers in Niger Delta State. They have launched 17 churches in the Ijaw Villages and the first school opened in September, 2019. This largely unreached tribe is responding to the Gospel in great numbers! Overflow Church is proud and honored to work hand-in-hand with the High Impact Christian Centers throughout Nigeria. Our first short term mission trip was in October, 2019. We trust that God will bring us back again soon. We can't wait to see how God will use this deep relationship to bring glory to His name in the coming years. We are in His service! 

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