How do I “Plug In” at Overflow?
Take the Five-fold Test!
You carry the Father’s love in a unique way that no one has ever carried quite like you. Since we’ve all been invited as a vital part of His Body, understanding how you carry Him is foundational to walking in fullness!
We have partnered with the creators of a simple 10 minute test to help you understand who you are in the Kingdom and how to walk it out at Overflow! Click here to get started!
Join a Missional Community!
The glorious mystery God hid for ages is this: through the Church He will make known the fullness of who He is in all of its shades and facets (Ephesians 3:10, Eph. 4:7,11-16).
Equipping one another to BE the Church — joyously free and confidently carrying His love as “lifestyle missionaries” to everyone, everywhere is at the center of all we do! You’ve been made to belong to an identifiable family where each is seen, each serves, and each one brings strength to the others. At Overflow, we call this intentional family, “Missional Community,” and It. Is. Amazing. Find out more here.
Schedule a Face-2-Face Meet Up!
Feeling like Overflow Church is home for your family? That’s awesome! Our Face-2-Face Meet Up is an opportunity for you to sit with one of the key leaders of our church to answer all of your questions and position you to LIVE to the full at Overflow!
In our Face-2-Face, we will talk about what the Bible says it means to be a ‘member’ of the ‘Body of Christ,’ and why it’s a big deal. We’ll share about the heart of our church and also give you opportunities to be baptized, to get resources for finding restoration from past or present hurts, to find your Missional Community, and to clearly navigate how you can use your gifts and voice at Overflow! We’re pretty laid back and have found that talking over a cup of coffee as friends helps you and us to feel like what we are: family!
To schedule your Face-2-Face, click here.
Shine, baby!
We want you to know who you are, to be positioned in a community belong, to get plugged in with your distinct voice and gifts…and then, release you to shine His love with us everywhere you go. When you’re feeling ready to serve in a leadership role in our church, we have a beautiful process to help you: click here to find out more. It really IS that easy!